Daily Reminder

Daily Reminder

Daily reminders are tasks that are assigned to you or that you are following that are due today or overdue.There are many ups and downs in life… and life itself is a mystery to everyone. No one is without flaws. That is why we all need daily positive reminders to remind us of our uniqueness, purpose, and self-worth.Reminding with the Words of God is the ultimate goal. None can make you deep satisfactory rather than the sweetness of God's Words. Dive into it, reflect, ponder, share and mediate with the Words of God. 

Sometimes, you might wonder what life has in store for you when you get up every morning and join the chaotic adventures. But hacking into a life of happiness and satisfaction requires just a few things from you.

First, it’s essential to understand and believe in oneself. Stay optimistic about the challenges you face daily and embrace your experiences, whether good or bad. Even amid the worst storms, keep your head high and be resilient. After all, they say experience is the perfect teacher. When you feel like giving up, remember that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel!
I tend to forget the big realities during the day as well. I regularly catch myself living on the idiotic assumption that I will constantly remember the things that really matter and that I will act in line with them. I assume that the realm of the seen and touched will not overwhelm the realm of the unseen and hoped-for.

But in reality, whether it’s night or day, I don’t stay awake to what’s truly important for very long. I am like that college kid who sits in church on Sunday morning, trying to keep his eyes open after an irresponsibly late Saturday night. My eyelids droop by default, and my mind wanders from the glories of the Bible to superfluous, naturalistic daydreams (that may or may not end with an embarrassing full-body twitch that snaps me awake again).
So, I’ve learned over time to put structures in place that remind me of those unseen things, especially during my bleary-eyed, half-conscious mornings.

One effort is this list of ten truths. I hung it up next to our dining room rocking chair (my preferred spot for study and contemplation). It’s developed over the years as a list of the daily reminders I need most. Many of them overlap substantially, but a double reminder only reinforces the original purpose.


Red and Blue Church Illustration Sunday Service Instagram

"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me'." WOW! What a statement! But there is more truth in these few words than in all the libraries of mankind put together - and this is not a sentimental fantasy, but a clear statement of actual reality. If we could grasp, believe, and act on the profound meaning of Christ's simple but profound statement in love, our troubled hearts would be at peace and our joy would be great.

Jesus not only said that he would show us the way, but that he IS the way. He is the only way for fallen man to reach the Father. The path that Jesus had to travel to get to this crucial point in the history of the world was via the cross of Calvary, where his shed blood and selfless sacrifice shattered the insurmountable barrier between sinful man and holy God. Yes! Jesus IS the only way - and it is non-negotiable!

Jesus did not say that he would tell us some truths, but that

cross foolishness

Paul says bluntly that those who preach the gospel look like idiots to the unsaved world. In general, the ungodly think believers and their faith are stupid. In Paul's day, the cross was still widely used by the Romans as a means of public execution. Paul now begins to elaborate on his statement from the end of verse 17: that Christ did not send him to focus on words of eloquent wisdom in preaching the gospel, lest the cross of Christ be robbed of its power. Paul divides the world into two groups of people: those who are perishing and those who are being saved. Those who perish are eternally separated from God, while those who are saved are destined to share in God's glory for eternity.

For the first group — the lost — the cross of Christ is "foolishness". The original Greek term used here is mōria, from the same root that gives rise to English words like moron. In blunt terms, Paul says that those who preach the gospel look like fools to unsaved people


Hebrews 10:19-23 ESV

[19] Therefore, brothers, since we have the confidence to enter the sanctuary by the blood of Jesus, [20] by the new and living way which he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh, [21] and since we have a great priest to watch over the house of God, [22] let us come in with sincere heart in full assurance of faith, with sprinkled hearts, clean from an evil conscience, and bodies washed with pure water. [23] Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he is faithful who promised.

If you are a born-again Christian, you know Christ, and Christ knows you. You can confidently hold on to your confession of faith with the assurance in your heart that the Lord has cleansed you and will keep you today! Christ has indeed risen from the dead, so live your life with confidence. Be confident that your faith is useful, that your testimony is true, that your sins are gone, that your future is secure, and that your life as a believer in Jesus Christ is blessed.


What do you wish for?

john 14:13 NASB1995
[13] Whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

We pray, we ask, we wait, we wonder.

We pray and ask God for something, then we wait for an answer. If we do not immediately receive a concrete answer, we ask ourselves:  "God, are you listening?

When we pray, we must ask for God's glory in accordance with God's will. Often our prayers only serve ourselves and not God. Lord Jesus, may I ask in my prayers according to Your will and for Your glory.

Have you ever wondered how to ask God for what you want? Is there a right way to pray to God?

Sometimes I feel like I need to pray the right way. If I use the right words and have the right attitude, maybe I can convince God to do what I want. Do you sometimes fall into the same pattern of thinking?

Dear ones, be encouraged. God doesn’t answer our prayers just because we have checked all the boxes in our prayers. He is not looking for perfect words or attitudes. There is no right way to pray. He wants to hear our needs and our hearts (Psalm 62:8).
I don’t know about you, but I would never say, “I don’t think God is good!”

Saying that feels like heresy to me. Even if I admitted the direct thought, it would call my pastor and elders to the door to pray over my lost soul.

And yet we live day by day without trust in His goodness.

We are not quite sure whether God is out to get us as soon as we sin or whether he really has our personal welfare in mind. Is God interested in me personally and what I’m going through? Or is he only interested in his kingdom and spreading his gospel to the world?

Pray man knee down
Pray man knee down

There is a story of a group of college students who were visiting the home of John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Church. They noticed that there were imprints on the floor of his room where he knelt to pray every day. After the visit, the class boarded their bus. When the teacher counted, one was missing. He went back through the property to look for the student and found him kneeling in those prints and praying, “Do it again, Lord. Do it again!” The teacher quietly walked up to Billy Graham, tapped him on the shoulder and let him know they had to go.

I love this story because Billy understood that if God had done it for someone else in the past, He could do it for him. King David understood the same thing. In Psalm 126, David remembered how God had saved the Israelites in the past. In verses 4-6, he prayed, “And now, GOD, do it again— - let it rain in our drought-stricken lives, so that those who planted in despair may shout hurrah at the harvest, so that those who went away with heavy hearts may come home laughing, with arms full of blessing” (MSG).

What has God done for another person that He should do for you? God is the same yesterday, today and forever. What He has done for others, He will do for you. You need to find your place where there are depressions on the floor, get in there and pray that God will do it for you again. I believe that what we sow in tears through prayer, we will reap as blessings. If God has not yet answered your prayers, keep sowing the seeds of prayer. He will do it again in time.


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